The Journey

by | Jul 29, 2024

It can seem overwhelming in the beginning, looking at where you are now and how far you are away from your ultimate vision for yourself. But you will find as you start down this path that there is so much joy and fulfilment to be found along the way.

Long before your fully arrive in your dream life, you will find glimmers of it coming into view. Grab these, and really savour them. Maybe it’s a little boost of energy you’re feeling now that you’ve introduced more whole foods into your diet, or maybe it’s the moment on your walk where you realize that you are moving without pain for the first time in years.

These are signs that you are moving in the right direction and that more good things are coming. Celebrate your progress and invite in joy whenever you can. This will fuel your healing and communicate to all the cells in your body that you welcome the changes that are happening within them.

Be fearless. Sometimes along the way you may start to feel scared of these changes and feel compelled to return to old habits. Just know that this is just your ego – the part of you that is determined to retain the status quo and keep you small – trying to bring you back to sickness and misery. Gently acknowledge your ego’s voice, show it some compassion, then return your focus to the miracle that is happening within you.

By tuning in to the small victories, you will feel closer to your vision much more quickly than you might expect. In fact, you may find that you naturally start acting more like that person you want to be, and that, too, will fuel your recovery and your return to health.

So try to remember along this journey that there will be twists and turns in the road, but around each corner you will continue to find more light and joy. Embrace them. These are your true guides and they will always lead you home to wholeness and health.


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